Dimock Environmental Research Center is located in the heart of Northern Pennsylvania's most heavily impacted areas, Dimock. In 2008, at the beginning of the fracked gas boom, the process went wrong in Dimock and polluted the water wells of over 20 families. All of those impacted had to sign non-disclosure agreements, including children, or they would not have been provided with restitution. Along with banning their public statements about the pollution they faced, these agreements also bar all scientific testing at sites known to have suffered pollution related to natural gas extraction.
After more than a decade of unconventional hydraulic fracturing occurring regularly in Pennsylvania, we have no idea how many families have lost the use of their water wells and been forced to sign one of these "gag orders". We know the number is in the thousands. But we do know that no testing will ever be allowed on any property under such an agreement.
Dimock home known to have suffered water pollution related to gas extraction activities
Dimock Environmental Research Center will provide a science sanctuary where testing can be done on water air and soil. Scientists from Universities, research labs and even students from all over the world will be encouraged to aid the world's knowledge about how fracking unconventional gas extraction activities, aka fracking can impact our lives and health.
Due to the wide use of non-disclosure agreements, there are no other impacted properties we are aware of where such testing can be made open to all who would like to futher such work.
We will also offer a front row view of life in the fracklands to journalists and activists by offering a place to stay and tours of the region's gas related infrastructure.